It's been said that all human problems can be resolved by returning to your values, the basic virtues and values in which you believe at your core. And that, additionally, whenever we're unhappy for any period of time we should stop and ask ourselves, "What are my values? what is really important here?"
Now, add to those, this question, "What would I do, how would I change my life, if I won a million dollars cash, tax free, tomorrow?"
The purpose of this question is to help you determine what you would do if you had all the money you needed. What would you do if you were free to choose your course of action? What would you do if you could do or have anything you wanted?
What would be the first thing I'd do?
What would be the second thing?
What would I get into or out of?
What would I buy or what financial situation in my life would I resolve?
*Sometimes these questions trigger a lightning bolt that enables one to see clearly what one really, really wants in life.